Senin, 16 Juni 2008

Install Ubuntu Muslim Edition from CD

- Download and burn the Live CD:
ubuntuME-7.04-beta1-desktop-i386-cd1.iso (694.5MB) (BETA version, FOR TESTING PURPOSE ONLY)
(MD5: 98b339971f1de6ecba1bc7d3e424074f)
- Install it like the standard Ubuntu CD.
- When your system is installed, download and burn the second CD:
coming soon.
- Then click on the “System-Administration-APTonCD” menu ; click on the “Restore” tab and select “Restore APTonCD”. Check the applications you want to install.
- Convert a standard Ubuntu installation
You can convert Ubuntu Feisty (7.04), Edgy (6.10) or Dapper (6.06) to Ubuntu Muslim Edition.

- Download this file. Open a terminal window (Applications→Accessories→Terminal) and move to the directory where you downloaded it. Make the script executable by running this command:
chmod u+x
- Then run the script with root privileges:
[ahmad@localhost~]# sudo ./
- You will be asked to accept the Java license and Zekr Quran translations. Then the configuration process will ask you if you want to :
update your GRUB splash and usplash pictures
change your GDM splash screen
change your Theme
change your wallpaper
change your Firefox toolbar theme
configure your screensaver
update your login sound
install Dansguardian and Tinyproxy and configure them to filter web content
- For each question answer yes or no.
- Enjoy it

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